Okay, so let’s be honest here. Florida doesn’t see winter. Well, at least not the type of winter that you picture: white grounds, snow falling, bare trees … but hey, it’s still winter and this blog post is about a wintry Fort Lauderdale family session. And while you may not see snow or icicles on bare trees, we did have cool wind, white sand, and lots of blue (water, not ice, that is).
The Olin family had much to celebrate about! For one thing, their entire family was together. But more importantly, it was grandma’s 75th birthday! This session, and the trip to Fort Lauderdale, was her big birthday gift!
We had so much fun photographing and playing on the beach. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the beach, was a family posing while the seagulls screech. Okay, maybe should I stick to my day job. I never claimed to be a writer, or a poet! Although, it is quite true. The seagulls kept photo-bombing our session (you’ll see them make an appearance in a shot or two below, but they definitely made appearances in the majority of our shots).
Giving grandma some birthday kisses!
Pretty ladies!
Nothing like brotherly love, right?
How fun is this?! I wonder if mom ever predicted this happening:
Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Hint: just a little inspiration from the Beatles.
Can’t forget the much-needed and wanted married couples’ shots!!
Those in-between moments are the BEST:
The best way to end any session …
I love photographing awesome families like this one. Do you have an awesome family and want updated family pictures? If so, I’d love to photograph you! Reach out and let’s chat!